The Dangers Of Aspartame/Spenda/Nutra-Sweet
This is my letter I wrote to the goverment, please sign this petition so we can do something about this. I am going to send this petition to goverment officals to see if we can get a bill passed. Five years ago, I started consuming diet coke, and diet products, and was exposed to aspartame poisioning. (it is in all diet foods and drinks) I am 35 years old, and my hair turned almost completly grey, I had cronic cough, arthris, SEVER changes in my moods, I was so off ballance I could barely walk without assistance, or I would just fall. My friend gave me a pamplet on aspartame and the 92 side effects that go with it, when I stopped drinking diet soda and eating diet foods ALL of my simptoms stopped including my hair turned BACK brown. The grey fell out and was replaced by my normal brown hair. I no longer need assistance and the arthritus is gone. I also had severe pains shooting through my arms and legs (that is also now gone) They are putting a bill through that will pull aspartame off our shelves. I am begging you, to stand up for those that do not know what this does to their heath and our rights and help pass that bill. We need aspartame out of our schools and off our shelves. They took out all the reg soda and replaced them with aspartame diet drinks, and everyone wonders why our teens are having so many conduct problems. I am begging you please do the reasearch on "aspartmame+death" and see for yourself. My website on it is but you can read studies on it at: please help keep us from dying slowly by a product that the FDA knows kills and is doing nothing to stop. Thank you for your time. Connie Perry