Atheist Death Threats: Why Death Threats Must Be Outlawed
Read the news article at the other end of the above link. Sadly, those violent, un-gramatical Facebook posts you see are real.
These may not strike you as odd. They me even seem normal, or even correct to you. These hateful death threats are a perfectly normal part of the American culture, to be expected.
Yet imagine this: Take those Facebook posts. Now replace the word Atheist with another group, such as Blacks, or Muslims. If I said that I was going to kill Blacks with a shotgun, what would you call me? A bigot? A monster? A racist? What if I said I was going to nail Muslims to crosses and stab them?You'd call me a psychopath.
But yet, we have the same here. Men and women, perfectly normal American adults, are saying they are going to shoot, stab, or in other words, murder Atheists. They are issuing death threats. Yet no outcry is heard. To say you are going to kill an Atheist so that they may burn in Hell is a un-concerning, even commendable act. More examples of this directed hat can be found here:
However, on the other side of the coin, if an Atheist were to threaten a religous man, say a Christian, to put it frankly, "s*** would hit the fan." There would be court cases, denouncings of Atheism's "Satanic Evil" and the media would create the image of a poor saintly Christian being oppressed by the monstrosity of sneering, brutal Atheist demons.
This bigotry, this minority prejuduce must stop. This petition, which I urge you to sign, will be used to attempt to introduce an American law making completely illegal the explicit statement of a death threat through any medium (e.g. Mail, e-mail, Facebook, etc.)
Please sign. It is considered a horrible act toissue death threats directed at any other minority, so why should Atheists be exempt?