Back To School Oak Park District 97
lauren smallwood 0

Back To School Oak Park District 97

Show your support by signing this petition now
lauren smallwood 0 Comments
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We are a group of Oak Park parents representing elementary schools in D97 that are frustrated with Dr. Carol Kelley's leadership and the lack of any plan for a return-to-campus learning option.

While surrounding districts spent the summer building task forces and meaningful plans for kicking off the school year with on-campus options (LaGrange, Hinsdale, Riverside, Glencoe, Wilmette, Highland Park) or finalizing real-time plans for a transition from e-learning to on-campus (Deerfield, Park Ridge, Frankfort), Dr. Kelley and our School Board have had many meetings and conversations, but developed no actual plans.

We are so behind. And our kids will be too if we don't act now.

Statistically, there is very little risk to returning to school. Recent data of note:

  • The recovery rate from COVID for those 50 and under has a 99.98% recovery rate (this covers the majority of our students and staff).
  • Under 19 has a 99.97% recovery rate.
  • The recovery rate from COVID for those under 70 is 99.5%
  • The CDC recently released IFR rates: 0-19 is .003%, 20-49 is .02%, 50-69 is .5%, 70+ 1.4% (and this is inclusive of at least one if not multiple co-morbidities)
  • Covid-19 has a high transmission rate but a very small illness or death rate to those under 70 and even less for those without health issues. Source:
  • A study from Brown University has found minimal evidence that Coronavirus is transferring within K-12 buildings. Source:

To be clear, we are not pushing for remote learning to stop for families who decide that this mode of learning works best for their children.

Up until the most recent “Virtual Coffee” (9/30) there was no acknowledgement of this summer’s community generated petition (LINK HERE), parent emails, or requests for calls. During the Virtual Coffee, she announced a Public Virtual Town Hall on 10/13. This was a demand made by the parents.

Let’s build on this momentum by gathering as many signatures as we can in favor of the following:

  • Dr. Carol Kelley and the District 97 School Board to deliver a re-opening plan prioritizing young learners (K-2) by October 16th with a return to school by October 26th.


  • Creation of a D97 Task Force designed to build, monitor and optimize our re-opening plan (integrated with reps from the D97 board, Teachers, Parents, Pediatricians and Infectious Disease Experts)
  • A return to the classroom in a hybrid model to maximize in person learning for core subjects that keep both children and staff safe.
  • 3rd party vendor managing a new round of surveying
  • All data collected made public in perpetuity

We respect and admire the D97 teachers and staff that are trying to make the most of remote learning. But it is not enough. Our kids deserve better. Let’s truly find a way to be in this together.

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