“The World Health Organization is attempting a GLOBAL POWER GRAB by seeking to have the 194 member nations of the World Health Assembly adopt a completely new international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response commonly referred to as the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” in addition to seeking to adopt proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.” James Roguski
We believe the Bahamian public must be furnished with the full ramifications of how these two agreements could affect them.
We want the Bahamian government to commit to NOT signing these agreements unless publicly debated, or approved through a public referendum.
Time is of the essence, as the final vote is scheduled to take place in May 2024!
Here is why this is important!
1/ The amendments to the IHRs propose a radical change in the relationship between the W.H.O. and our government and citizens. Standing and temporary recommendations issued by the W.H.O. would now be legally-binding, which changes the overall nature of the W.H.O. from an advisory organization that merely makes recommendations to a governing body whose proclamations would be legally valid and, therefore, enforceable. This will create a dangerous concentration of power and authority that can not be challenged invested in the Director-General who currently is not a medical expert.
2/ The W.H.O. will have increased authority to order significant financial contributions from individual states, censorship of scientific debate, lockdowns, travel restrictions, forced medical examinations and mandatory vaccinations during a public health emergency of its own declaring.
3/ The current draft of IHR fails to enshrine core human rights standards protected under international law by seeking to remove "respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people."
4/ The Pandemic Treaty supports gain-of-function research despite its exceptional biosafety hazards.
5/ The Pandemic Treaty also seeks to dramatically speed up the process by which products are authorized and brought to the market. The lessons of the COVID pandemic show that reducing regulatory standards for the regular approval of novel products still in an experimental phase carries considerable safety risks.
The W.H.O. in its advisory role made many misteps during the COVID-19 Pandemic by endorsing the use of face masks outside healthcare settings, lockdowns, social distancing and test, trace and isolate measures, for which the Scottish Covid Enquiry found there was then insufficient, or no evidence.
We believe that the submitted IHRs, in particular, provide a legal framework for monopoly and mandatory power over aspects of global public health in times of actual and potential crisis. If these amendments were to be approved, this power would be exercised by a few potent W.H.O. primary donors that exert meaningful control over the organization, and whose primary focus is profit-driven pharmaceutical interventions.
Our sovereignty is at stake and we must preserve The Bahamas for our future generations without monopolistic interference from unelected international bodies that do not have our best interests in hand. Please sign this petition and share it in your networks!
For more information please visit www.optimistbahamas.org/publichealth or email optimistbahamas@gmail.com