Ballarat Orphanage site on Heritage Register
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We can " Make A Huge Difference" In saving
The History of the Ballarat Orphanage Site.
We need your support in saving something
on the site for future generations.
Please Sign and help our cause.
To Heritage Victoria Council
Ballarat District Orphan Asylum, Ballarat Orphanage and Children s Home Site 200 Victoria Street Ballarat.
We Believe that the site of the Ballarat District Orphan Asylum - Ballarat Orphange - Ballarat Children's Home is of state significance, not just of local significance. The site was home to more than 4000 children over a period of 120 years, many of the families of Forgotten Australians no longer live in the local community and live elsewhere in Australia. The Senate Inquiry into Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants acknowledge that it is important to recongnise the role of care leavers and the part they have played in Australia's history and to ensure their experiences are recorded for future generations, In terms of respect for past residents it is important to keep some of the site intact and not let our past be forgotten.
Thank you for your Support
We now have 513 signatures
We now have 513 signatures