Ballot Recount

Dear Madame VP Harris,
I am ( ) a U.S. citizen and registered voter. I proudly casted my vote for you.
I have always been an avid supporter of you, and I still am. I know we didn't get the election results we hoped for but I am hearing computer scientists point out very suspicious discrepancies in the votes in the swing states. To me, this presents probable cause for it to be investigated.
I kindly ask you to consider withdrawing your concession, and asking for a recount in the swing states.
I feel at this point we have nothing to lose, and the cost of recount is miniscule as opposed to sitting back and doing nothing, and politely handing over the keys to the White House.
You have every right to ask for this, as we have seen what your opponent is capable of.
I graciously submit this to you for your consideration.
Kind regards,
The People