Ballycoolin Business Park ATMachine
To Bank of Ireland Blanchardstown Dear Sirs Ballycoolin Business Park need a ATM machine open to all users of the park. While there was Xerox buildings 3,4 and 5, there was one on building 4 and opened only for Xerox employees. Why not a ATM machine on site to all people around We are pretty sure that a place outside a building can be provided by one of the companies on site (Maybe Xerox will do it) to install the ATM, and for sure it will be a good deal for your bank as there is no way to get money any place near the site. With just a little publicity on all the companies on site, you will get a very good feedback on the use of the ATM. Thank you for your time and hoping for our request asap ATM machine users on Ballycoolin Business Park