Ban 5g in Allegheny County
Shelly Erb 0

Ban 5g in Allegheny County

18 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Shelly Erb 0 Comments
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  1. To: The County Council of Allegheny

We the undersigned request a ban on the placement of 5G wireless and small cells within the Allegheny county until definitive proof of no harm is established. There are many concerns about these technologies, including:

1. Health Risks: There is mounting evidence that 5G wireless and small cells pose health threats, especially to vulnerable populations, such as infants, children and pregnant women. There have been no long-term studies of 5G safety. Experts in electromagnetic fields (EMFs) throughout the world have submitted an appeal to the UN asking for a moratorium on 5G wireless and small cells until safety can be established.

2. Decreased Property Values: Studies indicate that property values drop 20% near cell towers and 79% of respondents said they would not buy a home near a tower.

3. Environmental Damage: Studies show that 5G harms birds, bees and other wildlife.

5G wireless and small cells provide no benefits to residents over current Fiber Optics and WiFi prevalent in our communities, but, as research is showing, 5G may cause harm.

Unlike cell phones, which individuals can choose to use or not use, once 5G is deployed, individuals will have no choice but to be exposed to it.

The assumption that all wireless is safe has been discredited. Evidence that 5G can cause health and other risks is emerging. We urge Council not to ignore this evidence of harm and take action to protect the citizens of Allegheny from potential danger. Until 5G is shown to be safe, it should not be allowed in our neighborhoods.

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