Ban Anti-Muslim Video
Wasim Khan 0

Ban Anti-Muslim Video

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Honorable US Attorney General Mr. Eric Holder, Esq.

The United States Department of Justice

Washington, DC


Dear Sir,

As you are well aware of the mischievous release of a lewd, pornographic, obscene, profane, and insulting video called 'Innocence of Muslims'  by a notorious group of hate-mongers that has wreaked havoc upon US diplomatic missions and resulted in the devastating consequences for American interests as listed below:

1. Death and injury to US diplomats

2. Widespread destruction of US property at our missions abroad

3. Increased threat to the national security globally

4. Undermined US credibiity in many sensitive regions of the world

5. Compromised the security of American citizens abroad

6. Unnecessarity hurt the feelings of millions of American citizens

7. Undermined US relationship with its longstanding allies in the Muslim world

8. Outrage generated by this reprehensible act has inflammed intense anti-American feelings among hundreds of millions in religious communities that jeopardizes the ongoing pursuit of US national objectives in many regions of the world

9. It is hate-speech, not protected by US Constitution, as per 'Chaplinsky vs New Hampshire' as listed below

10. It is also anti-semtic hate-speech because central characters of this vile video are shown of semetic race

11. By knowingly provoking rage and the violence against United States and US officials abroad the hate-mongers should be charged as co-conspirators in seditious teroristic acts and hence liable for prosecution under Patriot Act.

We believe, that in our own national interest, a legal remedy is available in the unanimous landmark decision of The Supreme Court of United States in 'Chaplinsky vs. New Hampshire', 315 U.S.568 (1942), that advances a ‘two-tier theory’ of First Amendment, as noted by Justice Frank Murphy and quoted verbatim below:

‘There are certain well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech, the prevention and punishment of which have never been thought to raise any constitutional problem. These include the lewd and obscene, the profane, the libelous, and the insulting or ‘fighting’ words those which by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. It has been well observed that such utterances are no essential part of any exposition of ideas, and are of such slight social value as a step to truth that any benefit that may be derived from them is clearly outweighed by the social interest in order and morality.'

We tdraw the attention of  US Department of Justice, and respectfully, your own personally to the legal precedence referred above as the basis for legal proceedings against vile video and its makers.

Described as ‘disgusting and reprehensible’  by Honorable Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Clinton, this video was a deliberate criminal act (violations under ‘Chaplinskly vs New Hampshire’, 315 U.S. 568). It was systematically planned by the perpetrators of this crime who clearly knew its consequences. In their publically available statements the criminals were fully aware of the predictable disturbance of peace internationally. This reprehensible lewd video was not an innocent act that had unintended consequences but designed to have serious repercussions.

The authors of this crimes as reported in the media, expected and anticipated grave consequences of their act as we have already seen in the tragic demise of our very popular Ambassador Chris Stevens and three of his colleagues in Libya, and widespread loss of property in so many of our missions abroad. Therefore, we urge you Sir, to have this despicable work banned with immediate effect to prevent any further jeopardy to our national interest and in light of deteriorating situation. The ban will also restore our credibility abroad and assuage unnecessarily hurt feelings of the faithful in the Muslim world which has seen extensive and sustained protest and expressions of outrage almost daily for last few days.

Therefore, we urge the Department of Justice under your extra-ordinary leadership to prosecute the criminal video-makers as co-conspirators, in aiding and abetting the heinous crime provoking fatal attacks on our diplomats and destruction of our diplomatic missions.

Respectfully and sincerely,

US Citizens for World Peace

First Amendment Alliance Against Hate Speech

Stop Bullying Demonization of Minorities

Justice for All Americans

Nation Builders Civilization Movers

Romancing The Broader Horizons

Broader Borders for Peace & Tolerance

Break Barriers of Hate

Co-alition for Religious Harmony

Multifaith Alliance for Humanity

Abrahamic Faith Group

Peaceniks: Sikhs, Hindus & Muslims

Catholic Americans Against Hate

Muslim Jewish Alliance for Peace

Network of Progressive Muslims

Coalition Against Genocide

Alliance for Peace and Justice

Intelligible Public Discourse

… and all listed cosignatories


US Citizens for World Peace Justice for All Americans First Amendment Alliance Against Hate Speech Stop Bullying Demonization of Minorities Nation Builders Civilization Movers Romancing The Broader Horizons Broader Borders for Peace Tolerance Break Barriers of Hate Alliance Co-alition for Religious Harmony Multifaith Alliance for Humanity Abrahamic Faith Group Catholic Americans Against Hate Muslim Jewish Alliance for Peace Peaceniks: Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims Network of Progressive Muslims Coalition Against Genocide Alliance for Peace and Justice Intelligible Public Discourse


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