Ban Cell Phones From Schools

As a parent who was raised in an era where our generation did not have all of this technology and mobile phones, I feel that the current generation of our youth are dying due to the fact they have access to way too much technology. Mobile phones have become a weapon of mass destruction among our youth and it needs to be stopped. In order to save our youth we need to eliminate the use of mobile phones in schools. Their primary focus need to be education. Students do not need to be sitting in class talking with their peers on SnapChat, Facebook or HangOuts. The youth today are engaging in adult activities by sharing naked or half naked photos of themselves not realizing or even caring about the consequences they will face because it is illegal to perform those acts via mobile phone or even on a computer. If society wants to save our youth, then like drugs, alcohol and guns, ban mobile phones from schools and watch a positive change take place. My generation was preached to "Do Not Drink and Drive" and "Say No to Drugs". I need for all parents who have morals and values to take a stand and have every school across the US to prohibit students from bringing mobile phones to school. If my generation survived without mobile phones and all this technology then our youth who are our future can survive as well. Just like there is an age limit to drink, there should be an age limit on mobile phone. You should be 21 or over and take a mobile phone safety course.