Ban Food Waste Disposal in Landfills

Did you know that the amount of food wasted by Malaysians is enough to feed 12 million people a day?
The food waste management and policy for food waste treatment is inefficient in Malaysia country due to the limited budget for food waste management. This management is considered poor due to Malaysia not having proper waste disposal sites nor employing proper treatment plants.
Food waste is categorised the same way as solid waste is, which leads them to be dumped into landfills that result in the production of greenhouse gases.
My Food For Thought is a campaign that focuses on food waste management, with the ultimate end goal being a complete ban placed on food waste disposal in landfills.
Climate change is a real problem, and impacts us all over the world. Sign this petition to play your part in a much bigger fight to end harmful food waste disposal methods and end climate change!
With this petition in hand, My Food For Thought will present this public support to the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry in order to facilitate the ban.
Fill Your Stomach, Not The Landfill!
Instagram: @foodforthought.my
Website: https://foodforthoughtmala.wixsite.com/myfoodforthought
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