Ban Freelee the Banana Girl from YouTube because of Bullying
Hannah Morrison Scotland 0

Ban Freelee the Banana Girl from YouTube because of Bullying

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Hannah Morrison Scotland 0 Comments
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The user Freelee the banana girl's channel is supposed to be a helpful and scourging site which will encourage people to convert to "high carb veganism". Unfortunately it has been converted into a hateful pit of negativity and blatant bullying. Freelee used profound language and abusive, personal comments in order to voice her opinions on other you-tubers and celebrities. Comments include "you are f###ing disgusting" "stop shovelling food down your throat" among other rude and unprofessional language which is not appropriate to share. Her and her partner are know to have bashed some of the nices people on the internet such As zoella, Tanya burr, blogilates' cassie, the list goes on and on. When "reacting to these videos she often comments on the popularity of the person claiming that they have a "huge influence over young girls" (the fact that she only mentions girls shows that she is also sexist) and many people believe that she targets bigger stars in order to garner more fame attracting their fans to boost her views.

In addition to all of this her diet is apparently life threatening in some cases with a number of people being admitted into hospital as a result. In Freelees diets she demands that you forgo all fat and protein claiming that it is completely unnessiary, even going so far as to claim that dietitians are "ignorant" and "overweight". Coming from someone who is completely untrained and has no professional knowledge what so ever this is a profound and rediculous statement.

Freelee has built up a large gathering of what she calls her "fruit bats" who often follow her advice religiously and going onto other people's videos and in extreme cases making rediculous comments like " there's no difference between rape and eating cheese" and "omg lets kill and slice up your father and put it in a smiley face" which are all as a result of Freelee's influence. I think anyone can agree that this woman cannot be aloud to have any sort of influence over anyone.

Another thing is the circling rumours that Freelee has sent death threats to those who disagree with her beliefs and many screenshots can be found all over the Internet.

While yes Freelee's diet obviously works for her it does not give her the right to bully others into thinking the same way to the point where she says that restricting your calories even a little bit is constituted as an eating disorder. This is frankly unacceptable behaviour for any member of society and I am pretty sure harassing people is against YouTube's code of conduct meaning that Freelee should have had her account terminated long ago before she could do so much damage

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