Ban the excessive use of Photoshopping teen magazines
Shannon H 0

Ban the excessive use of Photoshopping teen magazines

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Photoshopping in teenage magazines has a massive impact on the lives of teenage girls. Photoshop artists’ produce a fake image of what is perceived in society’s mind as perfection. From noses to teeth, eyes, hair, skin tone, blemishes and most importantly, weight; no thanks to modern technology practically anything upon ones’ body has the ability to be aesthetically altered with Photoshop. This has created a terrible situation for young women. The ‘perfection’ and ‘beauty’ found in magazines is simply unachievable in real life. The problem is the vast majority of girls just don’t realise that practically every single photo shown in a magazine has been individually laboured over, being edited for hours. Teenage girls have a tendency to think that if a model (especially young adults around their own age) can look so perfect then they should be able to too. However that is not the case, almost no model is as flawless as their pictures may make them out to be.Surrounding girls is pressure, to be appreciated, accepted, to fit in and be liked. When they feel as though they don’t fit the criteria they often fall into mental illnesses like anorexia, bingeing and dieting. Other effects include mental conditions such as depression, low self-esteem and low confidence. When taken to extremes these illnesses often result in death; by either suicide or sickness.


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