Ban Shark Products due to Shark Finning in Florida!!

Shark fining is a horrid practice that is still apart of the world today. The problem with this practice is that sharks are not reproducing fast enough for shark finning to take place, the population of ALL sharks has decreased dramatically. This petition is not to bash any race, or tradition, however it must be stopped! In the United States there are only 4 states out of 50 in which shark finning products, and or all shark products have been banned! The reason this practice has not died out is because it is very lucrative. The most common product that is made from shark finning, Shark fin soup, can be sold for $100 a bowl!
So, what happens when there are no more sharks in our marine ecosystems? Since sharks are one of the top predators in our oceans, they keep the populations of other medium fish in check. Therefore, if the sharks go extinct the medium fish populations that they maintained will sky rocket, after which the small fish that the medium fish consume will be wiped out from the huge population of the medium fish! Can you guess what the small fish do? They consume crustaceans and algae, since there will be no small fish to eat the crustaceans and algae, their populations will also see a huge increase which will cause algae blooms and major eutrophication of the oceans. THE ENTIRE MARINE ECOSYSTEM WILL THEORETICALLY COLLAPSE!!!
But. We can stop this, only together may we succeed though. We need to push our legislation to sponsor and pass a bill that will ban shark products, i am currently writing this bill, starting in Florida and with the end goal of the entire United States! For now.
If i still havent convinced you to sign this petition and support this cause, watch this video about shark fining. The contents could be graphic and gruesome for some people but sometimes the truth is ugly.