Ban Single-Use Stryofoam in Attleboro, MA
We need your Attleboro ban single use styrofoam! Think about how often you are handed a single-use styrofoam cup from a takeout restaurant and the impact it has on the environment. Most of the consumed styrofoam ends up in the ocean and degenerates over time into small fragments which are then ingested by sea creatures which leads to painful starvation and death. Harmful chemicals in styrofoam such as styrene and benzene contaminate foods and drinks.Styrofoam is not biodegradable and can not be recycled so therefore it just contributes to landfill trash and takes 500 years to decomposed. As a growing city of 44,590 residents, we create about 72 million pounds of waste per year. In the U.S. alone the amount of Styrofoam used would circle the earth 426 times. When it sits in the landfill the toxicity leaks into the water that we use everyday. There are many replacements for styrofoam including reusable cups & bottles,Bamboo fiber eco bowl, Earthshell “Paper’ Plates, Loliware, and Edible Cups. We have a huge dependency on Dunkin Donuts (9 separate locations within the city that hand out thousands of styrofoam cups). The Ten Mile River serves as a source of water for many towns and is right next to the sixth longest highway in the U.S., making it easily susceptible to styrofoam pollution. With your signature we can create a lasting impact by preserving our environment and our city can inspire other towns, cities, and counties.
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