Ban RNA from Craigslist, forever!  REVISED
Zero G 0

Ban RNA from Craigslist, forever! REVISED

25 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
25 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Sherry F, who shall henceforth be referred to as "RNA", should be banned from Craigslist discussion forums. RNA has had many handles since at least 2007, and several have been banned, yet she comes back with new ones all the time. R--N--A, rnapetrescue, r_n_a, and several others. Animal Cruelty (this is clip from a news article): "On April 19, 2006, WSMV reported that Sherry Ford and Brian Watson struck a deal with the district attorney concerning the charges. However, we now understand the case was "retired" or continued for a year. Attorney Trey McFarlin says the couple did not plead guilty, Attorney Trey McFarlin also stated the charges will eventually be dismissed and expunged. Court records show Ford and Watson were ordered to close down the animal shelter, but the lawyer says this order is not permanent. A cruelty investigator and an animal advocate who filed the complaint says they are disappointed and wanted Rock 'N' Acres closed forever." RNA ocassionally gives dangerous or bad advice and information, in adddition to spam posting links to other sites. She has also posted to soliciting donations for her "rescue", as she calls it. RNA purposely and repeatedly causes arguments and discord among Craigslist forum posters. To forum posters: Ignore her! FLAG all posts! And don't feed into her sickness by engaging in any type of conversation! -Zero G.

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