Ban Stumble Exchanges on the DigitalPoint forums
Stumble exchanges create the illusion of trust for websites that do not merit it, and no one on DigitalPoint does any sort of checking into the legitimacy of the sites being endorsed. I\'ve found sites that promote pharmaceuticals, email/password harvesting proxies, stolen content, cross site scripting exploits, blatant spam and affiliate scams, adware/trojans/viruses and so on. Stumble exchanges are a dishonest and infuriating waste of time, they insult the intelligence of users and create a dangerous hazard for inexperienced web users. The \"freebies\" section of DP has become a breeding ground for unscrupulous behavior and it\'s time to stop. Let your voice be heard. This petition will be sent to the Administrators of DigitalPoint when is has been signed by as many stumblers as possible, let others know about it. Side note: I will do everything possible to safeguard your privacy, but I do not have any control as to how your email addresses are used in conjunction with this site (ipetitions), and cannot vouch for them personally. Use a temp email address such as guerrillamail or mailinator as a reasonable precaution against spam. But please DO NOT submit more than one petition signature, I want this to be an absolutely honest representation of the frustration SU users have with the current amount of spam (conservatively estimated at 20k+ pages) received solely from the DigitalPoint forums.