Bayou Country Club Annexation Petition

Fellow Residents of Bayou Country Club and its multiple subdivisions,
Recently, potential C-1 annexation of adjoining areas to the club with potential direct impacts to some of our residents has created an impetus for consideration of annexation for all or parts of Bayou Country Club into the City of Thibodaux. With annexation of BCC into the very city that we call home, we would be represented in a manner that could serve to protect our home values by providing measures to design a traffic friendly, aesthetically pleasing, community asset along Percy Brown. Without representation, we are left to depend on individuals that may be well –intentioned but do not always have our best interests in mind. Many of us utilize incorporated Thibodaux for our family and business affairs but contribute minimally to the infrastructural systems that we enjoy. Thibodaux only currently has a tax base of around 17,000 people which seems abysmal considering the number of residents that benefit from its beauty and services on a daily basis.
State law and city law support annexation via a petition from residents in the areas proposed to be annexed by the city. In this case, it would mean residents within BCC. Many of us have expressed concern over increased taxes and other related costs of annexation, but we feel that these costs essentially serve as insurance in that it protects our home from devaluation which could cost much, much more.
We are embarking on a petition drive for annexation of all or parts of Bayou Country Club. If you are so moved, please join in this effort by signing this petition and including your address for record keeping purposes. If you have additional information that can help shed further light on this issue, please let us know.
Justin Tenney
Concerned Citizens of Lafourche President