Beauty Brands Must Disclose If An Image Has Been Edited When Posting On Social Media

WHO’S INVOLVED: Beauty brands & the entire industry… We welcome & encourage everyone who wants to see a change in the transparency of photo editing, including YOU, influencers & celebs! Please join us so we can make a difference together!
THE GOAL: The EXTREME Photoshop and over-editing have created unrealistic standards of beauty, and it has gone way too far! We need to know what’s real in the ads we see on the internet; otherwise, we don’t know what we are really being sold! We are not asking brands to stop photoshopping (although less would be great!)! All we want is for brands to disclose what they are doing to their images!
THE PROBLEM: When we launched Wishful Skincare, we decided we wanted to make the brand free of makeup, photoshop, models (we use our team), and also filters – after all, it’s skincare, so it doesn’t make sense to use makeup and editing for campaigns! When we looked around for other brands to see who else was doing this, we found BARELY any, and I was SHOCKED (and kind of mad), to say the least!!
Clearly, there is a problem – but where does it stem?!
When brands, influencers, or celebrities post heavily edited images, it sets unrealistic beauty standards for everyone.
Let’s be honest, Big Beauty companies have told us we are not good enough, so they could make us feel like we needed some “thing” to complete us – as if we are not ok just being ourselves! I can’t tell you how many people I have interviewed from Big Beauty companies that have told me they have been PROFESSIONALLY trained to create “convincing arguments” about why people HAVE to buy their products! SERIOUSLY?!!!
Beauty is a tool of EMPOWERMENT, not to be used solely to make money, and therefore ignore its positive power! It is life-changing when it's used as a form of expression and empowerment instead of making beauty a tool of exclusion and unworthiness!
The beauty industry has been used (and honestly abused) to capitalize off of everyone’s insecurities for WAAAY too long, and those overly photoshopped images are a way of keeping that dangerous narrative going!
We’ve been trapped in creating this standard of ‘perfection,’ and I realize now more than ever before just how harmful it can be. I want everyone to join us on this journey to demand transparency.
It’s 2021, and enough is enough!
HOW: We want ALL BEAUTY brands to join forces and start disclosing if their images are edited! A simple note in the caption or on the image to say: *This image has been edited, can go a long way to helping people realize what they’re looking at.
WHAT YOU CAN DO: We hope you will join us on this journey to a more transparent beauty industry and encourage your fave beauty brands to start #OwnUpToEditing. You can start by signing this petition and share it with your friends, your community and other beauty brands. Also, feel free to post this hashtag on any pages to help spread the word!
Sign this petition & let's make it mandatory that beauty brands disclose when they edit photos!!
Here are some samples of tweets or messages you can share/tag brands in:
#OwnUpToEditing (insert brand handle here)! (link to petition)
I love your brand (insert brand handle here), but I’d respect you even more if you read this petition and took action -->(Link to petition) #OwnUpToEditing
Please let us know when you edit images (insert brand handle here) (link to petition) #OwnUpToEditing
*Unless expressly stated, HUDABEAUTY does not endorse, approve, partner, or collaborate with any other petition or content posted by any person on the ipetitions.com platform
Shoutout to some beauty brands that have already been posting unretouched images on their social platforms: Wishful Skincare, Glow Recipe, Dove, SPKTRM Beauty, CVS Pharmacy, Maddison Reed, Overtone, ASOS Face & Body
I have shared that I felt ugly as a child, which is why I got into the industry, but I wish I knew what I now know! I determine what beauty is to me, and that’s all that matters!
Please note, signing this petition is an important step in demonstrating to brands just how many people support this movement. Although there will be no direct change to legislation when we reach our petition target, we are confident that this petition will create a movement towards positive change in the industry, and that’s all we want; for brands to know how important transparency with their imagery is to you and all of us.