Beaver County Mule Deer boundaries
For those of you who have been following my posts regarding the current state of our mule deer herd in Beaver County, I am starting a petition to present to the RAC and the board who sets the 5 year mule deer management plan for the State of Utah. I am proposing that they create a new unit that would divide the current Beaver Unit into Beaver East and Beaver West. The boundaries for these units already exist and are used for elk. The boundary line that would divide the two is I-15. I believe by separating the two, it will help reduce pressure in areas that see the most hunters. If we are able to divide the units, I would also like to propose an antler restriction for the west unit. The areas that would be included in the Beaver West unit have the potential of producing some amazing animals. By setting an antler restriction of 3 point or better, the bucks on this unit will have a better chance of reaching their potential by protecting them for their first couple of years. Our deer herd is in serious trouble! We need to push for change to try and bring back what was once known as “The worlds largest mule deer herd”. If you agree with these ideas, please sign and share with others who want to protect this great resource.