Beginner SkatePark
I grew up in town and skateboard/bmx'd my whole life.
It's come to my attention, that he skatepark has way to many kids and newcomers coming into the skatepark. That can be dangerous for everyone if it is over crowded.
The part that is usable for newcomers only has room for one maybe two people at a time.(the old bowl isn't very nice to learn on it is acutally very dangerous to learn on given the angles of the transitions. it's not even that fun/nice to ride if u are experienced)
I think the town needs another skate park for the young people and new comers. One that has a large portion of smooth flat cement with a few beginner objects to learn on.
I don't think we need a huge budget, but we really do need somthing done for the new and young riders!
I feel that it should be separated slightly from the other skatepark, and have some very simple rules to follow.