A fair deal for Wandsworth renters
Wandsworth is a great place to live. But rents are going up and up - now many people pay more than 50% of their income in rent.
Most landlords are responsible and provide good quality properties. However a minority of rogue landlords rent out substandard homes, take money they shouldn’t - and evict renters who ask for improvements.
Wandsworth’s Tory council refuses to tackle the problem. They prosecuted just a single rogue landlord last year.
We can do better - we need a fair deal for renters. Sign our petition today to:
* Back Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, to get the power to cap rents
* Get the council to set up a landlord licensing scheme in areas of worst practice, to drive up standards
* Demand that the current 6- or 12-month rental contracts, where the landlord can evict you for no reason, are replaced with open-ended contracts that have more rights for renters
Agree? Sign our petition now:
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