Campaign to arrest and prosecute former Prime Minister Tony Blair for War Crimes.
This petition and all of it's signatories is addressed to the UN General Assembly, the UK Attorney General, the Metropolitan Police of London, the International Criminal Court at the Hague and the Prime Minister of the UK.
I/We seek to add my/our signature for a petition to uphold the UN Charter, the Geneva and Hague Conventions,
and International Law, and to indict Tony Blair for war crimes.
I/We, the citizens of the United Kingdom and other countries listed, wish
to uphold The United Nations Charter, The 1998 Rome Statute of The
International Criminal Court, The Hague and Geneva Conventions,the
Rule of International Law , and British Law.
We therefore call on you to indict and arrest Anthony Charles Lynton Blair for his actions as recent Prime Minister of the UK in respect of our
sample complaints relating to the 2003 Iraq War waged by the UK as ally
to the United States of America.
We insist that the law is carried out and Anthony Charles Lynton Blair is thoroughly investigated for the crimes below whilst he acted as the former prime minister of the UK.
I/We have seen vast quantities of evidence both online and offline to support this. It is about time the police, international courts, judiciary and the governement got off their backsides and listened to the millions who are saying the same as us/me.
If action is not taken in my/our opinion it signifies at the best laziness and at worst compliance in these illegal acts. After all it is not in the interest of the current prime minister(at the time of writing) of the UK ( Gordon Brown) to prosecute Blair as he is complicit in all of these activities.
These are the main categories of crimes for which the former Prime Minister Tony Blair is ultimately responsible for causing through this illegal war.
i) Crimes against Humanity
ii) Genocide
iii) War Crimes
Crimes fall under sections 51 and section 52 of the International
Criminal Court Act 2001 which also states that these laws apply to
every British resident. They also fall under the criminal law act 1977.
Further criminals to be considered for prosecution are the former cabinet members from the UK labour government of 2003.
The following are a few well known illegalities and warcrimes relating to the Iraq War 2003-2009 below.
1: Deceit and lies leading to war. The manipulation of evidence and spinning of news to create a false version of events.
2: Using nuclear weapons on civilian and military personnel. Depleted Uranium.
3: Failing in planning stages, allowing looting and society to fall apart in post war Iraq.
4: Working with Allies (the United States) that allow waterboarding, torture, extraordinary rendition and other illegal practices.
5: Using inhumane restraints on prisoners, including dogs, hoods, and cable ties to be used.
6: The murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians.
Yours Sincerely,
The Undersigned
For more details visit: