Blizzard Please Remove Cross Realm Zones from World of Warcraft
I have been playing WoW for 8 years. I was there when WoW went live. There have been a few things over the years that Blizzard has implemented in the game that I did not like, but I stuck with it because I loved and still love the brand. Recently Blizzard introduced Cross Realm Zones. This has made far too many players unhappy for many reasons. Please sign this petition if you would like Blizzard to remove the Cross Realm Zone feature completely and entirely from the game World of Warcraft. Please sign the petition if since the CRZ implementation has occured you have experienced: Rubber band effect when changing zones Time changes between zones that affect your gameplay in a negative way Quest waiting that has affected your game play in a negative way Time zone differences that have affected your game play IE fishing tournament Griefing The inability to report griefers due to this play does not exists error message In game Harassment due to CRZ Difficulty locating nodes due to Node sharing without respawn increase Difficulty locating rare spawns due to zone shifting (you saw it until you landed on the ground and then it was gone) Crowding in areas that were previously uncrowded or manageable Disconnects Lag issue when shifting into zones Time shifting lags (screen switching from day to night instantly due to time zone realm crossing) Falling to your death after changing zones and auto dismounting These are but a few of the complaints. We as players in World of Warcraft do not want the CRZ option. We would like it removed from the game completely and entirely. We would like it removed before Mists of Pandaria is released.