![Bloomberg over Biden](https://cdn.ipetitions.com/user-images/petitions/bloomberg-over-biden/c44594f99d6cf1453a396c1f168b86b0.jpg)
Bloomberg over Biden
We the undersigned want Joe Biden to step down as the Democratic Nominee and Mike Bloomberg to be made the Democratic nominee for the Following Reasons:
1. Mike Bloomberg actually has experience managing a Pandemic. During the 2009 Swine Flu Epidemic, it was Dr. Tom Frieden, a world re-nowned Epidemiologist that Bloomberg brought back from India to be his health commissioner, that President Obama ultimately appointed as the Head of the CDC to handle the Swine Flu Pandemic and Ebola Outbreak. Obama's 69 page Pandemic plan was derived from Bloomberg's 266 page Pandemic plan he created for New York City.
Source : https://youtu.be/8OT7feGSaCU
Source for Pandemic Plan : https://www.propublica.org/article/how-new-york-city-emergency-ventilator-stockpile-ended-up-on-the-auction-block
2. Mike Bloomberg has experience Rebuilding the economy after disaster. He rebuilt New York City after the September 11th attacks. 4 years after the 2008 financial crisis, the country under the Obama Administration only regained 40% of it's jobs. New York City, under Mayor Bloomberg, regained 200% of it's jobs.
Source : https://youtu.be/RTEM1zepYXc
3. Mike Bloomberg is passionate about helping struggling Americans, particularly immigrants while Joe Biden is bogged down by the legacy of 3 million deported immigrants under the Obama Administration. Mike Bloomberg can win over the Latino Voters that Joe Biden struggles with.
Source : https://youtu.be/N7Rwq7U-2tE
4. Mike Bloomberg has been fighting for the issues that many of the younger/ progressive voters are concerned about today including income inequality, climate change, a disappearing middle class, and rising college costs. He can win over the younger/progressive voters that Joe Biden struggles with.
Source : https://youtu.be/KreV_L6yF7U
5. Mike Bloomberg actually has experience fixing our Public Education system while Joe Biden does not have ANY experience doing that.
Source : https://youtu.be/1o6v_R4PFM8
6. While Joe Biden has been repeated caught lying, I have failed to find anytime that Mike Bloomberg has lied. Honesty is what me need in a President now more than ever.
Source : https://youtu.be/1FHj3Hsv3rY
7. Mike Bloomberg has been a lifelong Democrat. He only ever changed his party affiliation to get past a Primary to the General election, but he has NEVER changed his values. Here is an excerpt from a 2001 interview when he first changed to Republican explaining why he changed parties.
"Bloomberg freely admits that he changed his registration merely to avoid the already-crowded Democratic primary. “I knew I couldn’t do it as a Democrat,” he says. “The party always protects its officeholders, and an outsider can’t come in as a challenger.” Bloomberg expects to campaign on the traditional Democratic side of issues: He’s pro-choice, pro-gun-control, and, to a limited extent, anti-death-penalty. “I have no moral problems with the death penalty,” he explains, “but I’m against it for practical reasons, because you cannot guarantee the state won’t make a mistake.” He wants to maintain the Rudy legacy of safer streets but would emphasize better community relations and a less-trigger-happy, more racially tolerant police force. “You’re not going to find much difference between any of the other four and me,” he says.
His message to the city’s Democratic voters, who outnumber Republicans five to one, seems to be: If you could vote twice for Rudy, a real Republican, it’ll be even less of a stretch to vote for me, a pseudo-Republican."
Source : https://nymag.com/nymetro/news/politics/newyork/features/4585/
Source: https://youtu.be/LYH_LQK--gQ
8. Americans were lied to about Stop and Frisk, it had nothing to do with Mike Bloomberg.
Mike Bloomberg is a better nominee than Joe Biden in literally every way, if Joe Biden is unwilling to step down for a fellow Centrist that shares his policies but appeals to more voters than Joe Biden. The World will know that Joe Biden/ Barack Obama and the Democratic Party chose Donald Trump over the American People when Trump wins by a landslide in November.