Bobby Bend School Full Day Kindergarten
Angela Grandmont 0

Bobby Bend School Full Day Kindergarten

38 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Angela Grandmont 0 Comments
38 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The purpose of this petition is to let the Interlake School Board know that  parents/caregivers/teachers/the general public in Stonewall and surrounding communities wish to have kindergarten changed to full days every second day, as opposed to half days every day at Ecole R.W. Bobby Bend School. The reasons are: 1. Not convenient for working parents/parents with little ones/daycares/caregivers due to midday pick up/drop off. 2. Midday pick up/drop off is an unreasonable expectation, especially with no offered bus service for out of town children. 3. Pick up/drop off is unsafe, due to unnecessary increased traffic and children leaving/arriving at school (increased risk of injury or missing children). 4. There is no adequate parking at the school for parents to pick up/drop off their children 5. Most of the schools in the Interlake have full day every second day kindergarten.  6. Full day attendance will better prepare students for Grade 1.  7. Less interruption in the school day (organizing, dressing/undressing, arriving/leaving students).  If you support the logic of this petition, please sign!


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