Bonnie Bennett Spin-Off

Bonnie Bennett from the Vampire diaries was to put it simply and clearly the hero, the queen and a badass witch . Although she was treated in no such manner forever getting killed and coming back , sacrificing everything for her friends. Always losing those she loved and suffering constantly. But our Bon Bon always came out fighting testing the boundaries and obliterating them. For a change bonnie was not last picked when's we last saw her after saving the world (again), she was for a change about to experience what the world had to offer outside Mystic Falls. Which in my opinion should be the start of seeing bonnie handling her witch as she put it. I feel a spin off is the ownly thing the could , should and must happen now.
So what you waiting for sign this petition, share it on all social networks and tag Julie Plec & Kat Graham #bonniespetition #bonniebennett #bonniebennettspinoff
Let get our magic on