Ban the Bottle
This petition has two main objectives. First of all: We are petitioning the region and municipalities of Waterloo to ban the sale of bottled water. Bottled water is 2000 times more expensive and has lower safety standards than tap water. The creation of plastic bottles and the improper disposal of these bottles is a major environmental concern. The process by which this water is extracted is also environmentally damaging. And second: We are petitioning for the region and municipalities of Waterloo to install water stations in public areas where people can fill reusable water bottles. Within the Region and municipalities of Waterloo there is very little access to water in public spaces. Because of this people are forced to buy disposable plastic water bottles which are expensive and damaging to the environment. This is not only an environmental issue but also one of public health and social justice as some people may not have affordable access to safe drinking water.
In Canada 71 municipalities from 8 provinces and 1 territory have already banned bottled water. There are also 35 universities who have established bottled water free zones, 2 universities have banned bottled water and 6 school boards have implemented restrictions on bottled water.