Boycott "Hammered festival 2012"
We're in a day and age where we should have already learned that respecting each other and everything around us is key for survival, why is it that we are still discriminating? There's no simple answer. People are going to be people and with that comes a great responsibility, we cannot call ourselves human anymore, we are lacking the compassion for one another to do so. Today I am creating this event because of a festival I have only just heard about had created, it has been said that it has been going on for many years. PLEASE READ: This is not only appalling it's disgusting. We're branding ourselves by letting this happen. Working together is what we should be doing, treating everyone with respect other than having a bunch of 'teen' kids acting out. Do you want your kids growing up with this? I think it's far time we take action against racism and tell the world that it's NOT okay to take part. Upon writing this with rage boiling through me, I have posted the event to ask for your help. Please take part in emailing them: I have also created a petition and I will be going around my suburb and local suburbs with a petition to gain signatures.