Boycott the Live-Action Akira Remake
Dear Studio Execs,
Rumors have been milling about the internet concerning your remake of the movie Akira.Here's what they're saying:
This is a petition from the fans of Akira, the animated film from the 80's.We love that movie.Many of us loved the comic it was based off.If half of the rumors are true, everyone who loved the original Akira will hate this remake.
Making a movie is a big investment.Before sinking anymore time or money into this project, take 10 minutes to look on any blogs taking notice of it.They are bristling.The people who should be excited about it are already turned off.
Maybe it’s only being titled “Akira” to get the attention of fans to sell a few tickets to the hardcore who will be excited about a new rendition of a story they love.Well, here we are, the fans; and we won't pay a dime for this.We're going to boycott this movie, unless you do one of the following:
1) Simply, rename the movie.The movie as described by the above article (and others) is not Akira.It doesn't even resemble Akira.If the title was not "Akira", we'd have no clue it was a remake.As it stands, it is not Akira and to mislabel it as such is simply false advertising.
2) Do the movie, but do it right.Make it about biker gangs, corrupt governments, a telekinetic teenager lashing out and destroying all in his path, lasers shot from space, domestic terrorism and revolution, amazing music by Geinō Yamashirogumi, transformation into amoebas,doomsday cults, and the accidental evolution of a kid into a godlike being who nukesTokyo.These are just some of the things that made the original great.Take these things out, and you have just another forgettable Hollywood flick.
If you want our money, you’ll have to work harder to earn it.
-The Fans of Akira