Let's Get Brian Collins Band In SGMFF!!!
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I would love nothing more than to see the Brian Collins Band join the lineup for Southern Ground Music & Food Festival. We all love and appreciate true, raw talent just like Zac Brown Band and these guys are just that. After seeing them open for Nic Cowan and Blackberry Smoke, they have proven that their talent and overall stage presence are exactly what we would like to see at SGMFF. As quoted from a fellow fan, “few artists write and perform those 'ah-hah' songs that really speak to you. When you see Brian Collins Band perform, you get immersed in a soul digging interaction. It isn't just music, it’s conversation. "
If you want more pure talent and mind-blowing music to add to an already stellar festival to put it over the top, then sign this petition. We can use all the help we can get, so spread the word!