Michael Salzillo 0

Bring a Congressional Oversight Commission on Government Reform to Rhode Island

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Michael Salzillo 0 Comments
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Over the years, I have mentioned in many places the disturbing controversies and issues that have arisen in Rhode Island and even in Washington DC concerning the past & present conduct of US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo throughout her entire tenure in public service.

This includes major controversies over conflicts of interest in state and national affairs, ethical improprieties in her various administrations and offices, administrative dysfunction, incompetence, mismanagement, negligence, and abuse, violations in adhering to state and federal laws, and appalling measures of department secretiveness and lapses in basic government transparency.

The issues addressed revolve around crises where the US Commerce Secretary has conspired to cover up RI state employee pension investments(including transfers to her former VC firm Point Judith Capital), mishandled federal and state taxpayer dollars in various RI government agencies and institutions(i.e Eleanor Slater Hospital), acted inappropriately on behalf of former business partners, campaign contributors, and other closely-aligned outside special interests in state policies and government contracts, allowed the constant use of revolving doors and executive privilege-like withholding of information relevant to the public on multiple fronts, and neglecting to follow state statutes and federal laws(including ESL access & disability rights).

These concerns are well-documented and corroborated with tedious file documentation, and a number of contacts(including some who are very likely willing to testify under oath if given the opportunity to the various incidents in RI and on Capitol Hill).

That is why on behalf of the common good for the State of Rhode Island, I am calling on the launching of criminal investigations into Commerce Secretary Raimondo's misconduct by Cabinet departments and other federal government agencies, and for the establishment of a congressional oversight government reform commission similar to the one formed for the 2002-2003 Whitey Bulger-Boston FBI probe. We call on such actions to unseal the web of deception and uncover the truth of Raimondo's conduct as a public official, reveal her sophisticated web of deception to the national public, lay out the corruption that has existed and still exists on Smith Hill, and the ways those conditions were used to enrich Raimondo's family and prop up her name and personal ambitions for higher office at the detriment of the common good.

If you support this work, please help us by signing the petition and reach out to myself on LinkedIn-or seek other people involved in these efforts.

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