Bring Back Good Game Cafe

Good Game Café was a game produced by Good Game Studios alone with other games like Good Game Fashion, Disco and Farmer. On the 3rd November 2016 these 4 games were deleted for an unknown reason and replaced by new trash games. Good Game Café in particular was a world wide great game played by millions of people across the UK and Ireland. It gave freedom and enjoyment to everyone person who played it. Me and my family of 6 would play it daily. It was such a fantastic game it was a huge disappointment to hear that Good Game Studios were scrapping it. It wasn't only deleted from their website it was unavailable for download on all electrical devices and to play on all other game websites. We can all come together and bring back the thrill, joy and happiness this game gave to every child who played it. You can play apart in this from one simple step and voting for this petition. It will not only make my family happy, it will help you and every one else. VOTE NOW# Bring Back Good Game Café Bring Back Our Life!