Bring back Lord Toffingham ice-cream
Lucie Bown 0

Bring back Lord Toffingham ice-cream

352 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Lucie Bown 0 Comments
352 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We would like to see the return of the ice-cream by Wall's called Lord Toffingham which was very popular in the 1970's. We believe its return would prove very popular now and respectfully request a trial run to help prove it's popularity. Lord Toffingham was a unique and well-loved ice-cream to which there is no similar alternative in the shops today. You will make us very happy to re-live our childhoods and once again enjoy our favourite ice-cream which we all miss so much and to introduce it to our own children and friends and family who may not have had the chance to try it before.

Please give this ice-cream a second chance and we are sure you will find it very popular.
Thank you.

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