Bring Back Norwegian Cruise Line’s Loyalty Pins
In years past Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) would give enamel lapel pins to members of its loyalty program, Latitudes. These pins would feature the name of the ship and in some cases the color of the metal would indicate the level of the Latitudes the guest had attained. Many guests would attach these pins to their key card lanyards, the lapels on their jackets, etc. The pins also became a memento for many guests.
At some point NCL decided to discontinue the pin program. Instead they leave a bottle of some sort of wine in the cabins of returning guests. There is never the appropriate glasses to drink the wine, sparkling wine is left warm, etc. Many guests don’t even touch the wine as they mistakenly believe it is similar to a mini bar item: if they open it they will have to pay for it.
We, the undersigned, would like to see NCL reinstate the Latitudes Pin Program or at the very least make pins with the ship’s name, etc. available for purchase for a reasonable price.