Bring back the lost boys for free
Rufio - 0

Bring back the lost boys for free

19 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Rufio - 0 Comments
19 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Everyone that signs this petition is in favor of Victorious gaming bringing back the private room The Lost Boys for at least one month for free. This channel is a historical landmark in this team speak server because of its diversity, power of friendship, pro strats from Chonny, love stories from BobKiller, and the token Charlie. Because of the history of the room, and the impact that it has had on VG, we believe that this room should be free of chains that is money, and the tyranny of having to pay for something that is ingrained in the Victorious Gaming community. As Jorge says, "It's not always all about the booty, as no pirates are allowed." We believe that it is a part of our basic human rights to fellowship together in our private room. We have gone from nothing, to recruiters, to mods, back to nothing, and this is the last thing we have. Do not take away the last small triumph of our generation. We can not pay the fees because we are poor school students. We have seen friends and colleagues get banned time and time again. Friends such as Alexpwns, haitis, Kevin, Charlie, Annie, Wallie, Junkie and others.

When we still had our so called private room, we were invaded daily by mods, SubMods, Recruiters, and random people who were just there to annoy us for the icon, and invade our privacy that we payed for. Therefore we payed to have our room be berated by the people that our supposed to protect our privacy. As Recruiter Helluuhh stated, "oh damn, im scared, where am I supposed to go now. I miss the comfort of the lost boys." So in summation, all of the people that signed this document is and petition believe in the lost boys, and support the decision to bring back the room for free.

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