Bring back the old necrons!

*Please note: if you don't want to sign this petition, please check out the poll on necron fluff here
Ever since Games Workshop released 5th edition Necrons, I have been crying with sorrow and horror. Why would they release such ugly models - I say! Illuminor Szeras is the epitome of this ugliness, a combination of horrific design, and out and out stupid ideology. NO more - I say! we must show GW that their new Necrons are piles of puss, and to bring to bring the old Necrons, with updated rules. Support this petition if you're a serious Necron collector. What happened to the days when you would rock up to a battle with 5 monoliths and 100 warriors? Now Necron players have to wade through the endless pages of torturous new Necrons and decide on which piece of rubbish they will have to buy next, so as to fit the new army organisation chart. Furthermore, what is this obsession of the Necron designers with putting unlimited bobbles and flaps on these models? Why put a skirt on one of the otherwise coolest looking HQs in the game? GW have killed their own created backstory and ambiance behind the Necrons, leaving players tired and angry.
Goal: GW should make it easier for players that enjoyed the mystery of the 3rd edition necrons to continue this, either by making a supplement or altering the force organisation chart in the next edition
Please note also that I do not have any trouble with the concept of new necron models in the future - although the design of the models with all these extra 'flaps and orbs' and unnecessary embellishments needs to stop
I am not asking GW to get rid of any models/units either, just to bring back the fluff to what it used to be and consider their new designs
P.S If this gets over 100 signitures, I will paint Illuminor Szeras pink and run him over with a car