Bring Back The Original English Cast of Tenchi Muyo!

For many people, the anime series Tenchi Muyo! is remembered fondly; and for viewers across the globe outside of its native Japan, the show was made all the more memorable thanks to talented voice actors who were cast for localized versions of their characters. The North American dub was certainly no exception to this, asTenchi fans in the United States and much of the rest of the English-speaking world will attest.
Now, over twenty years since its initial airing, the beloved characters of Tenchi Muyo! are back in a new series Ai: Tenchi Muyo! which has already been heralded as "a celebration of the franchise" by fans and producers alike.
The original Japanese cast is returning in near-entirety for this celebration, and we believe the same should be said for the English cast as well. As evidenced by the past (Tenchi Muyo! GXP and the third installment of Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki), cutting corners financially is not just poor business practice: it is a symbolic slap to the face directed not only to the fans but also to the professional actors themselves, many of whom have explicitly professed their desires to return to their respective roles.
Well, in 2014, we as fans say “no more” to such failings. We are the consumers, the patrons, and simply put, if we are expected to spend our hard-earned money on Tenchi, then we expect to actually get it. We refuse to be duped by false advertising a second time. Whether you are an old-school, die-hard fan or someone who merely thinks it is appropriate that consumers get what they are lead to believe they are purchasing, please sign this petition as a formal declaration stating your intent of refusal to support anything less than the real deal.
In summation, if an English dub of this new series is produced and the original voice actors (as heard in the U.S. televised airing of Tenchi Muyo!, Tenchi Universe, and Tenchi in Tokyo circa summer of 2000) are not hired on to resume the roles they have performed professionally and grown to love personally, then we as consumers will not purchase or support such an endeavor in any form monetarily.
This fan-created, free petition is in no way a binding contract for signatories or anyone else involved in any capacity. It is merely intended as a show of force and good faith on the part of fans for the eyes of any would-be producers potentially looking to inappropriately cut corners during what should be, as previously stated, "a celebration of the franchise" for everyone.