Bring back the original VA Pokémon Cast for season 21+ ! Let's take a Chansey! And golem for it!

What's this petition about?
When Pokémon TCPI ( formerly known as Pokémon USA) decided to not renew their contract and in doing so taking any rights 4kids had to dub the series away from them.
The changes that were made goes as follows:
- VAs who were cheaper and sounded similar who are with TAJ productions and DuArt film & video that still runs things to date were used to replace the main cast. Only 2 original VAs managed to return at the time James Carter Cathcart and Kayzie Rogers!
- The majority of 4Kids main cast were not given the opportunity to return.
- The quality of the show has stagnated and character development has been little to none whatsoever and ash has had multiple VAs since season 8 and none of them show any progression, emotional and make ash sound like a teenage girl half the time ( sorry not sorry).
- Some of 4Kids' voice actors from the previous eight seasons have returned to Pokemon as of Pokemon DP: Battle Dimension, and both Rachel Lillis (Original Jessie and Misty) and Stuart Zagnit (Professor Oak) did return to dub Maylene in the Battle Dimension series and Cedric Juniper in the Black & White Dub, however they have not given the cast a chance to reprise their roles as their original characters.
- Basically they could allow the original cast to return but are not permitting it and considering they let some of the original cast back to do others parts I think its a double standard preventing veronica Taylor and other VAs to return.
- As of the XYZ dub, the Pokemon English dub has decreased in quality as well as creativity. The background music and opening themes are shorter than their predecessors ("Stand Tall" being only 29 seconds long in particular) and less of the Japanese music is used in the english which is ridiculous. To make matters worse, the voicing as well as voice acting of the main characters is monotone and dumbed down substantialy; with little to no effort put into their work since 2006, they don't act as if they were the characters they act as if they are random strangers reading a script and its not fair to fans who have supporting the franchise since 1996.
- As far as to date goes the Sun & Moon dub goes they have gone crazy with the plot. Sending ash back to trainers school ( which in the games at least is meant for trainers who haven't received their Pokémon licence yet) and they made his character look like a little boy not a 10 year old Pokémon trainer. With no sufficient explanation as to why he's been aged down and why the sudden overhaul. Also they have cut out the gyms and you are required to do island challenges as they supposedly help young trainers improve however a gym would be just as adequate.
What can be done?
Well here's where you, the reader of this petition comes in, if you feel as strongly about this cause as me and many other trainers who still support the franchise and original main cast do then please do the follow:
- Sign this petition/ encourage others in real life too as well
- Share this on social media, whether that be Twitter, Instagram, Facebook whichever you choose.
I know you guys maybe wondering why we're fighting for this but think about this way, we owe people like Veronica Taylor and Rachael Lillis and the rest of the main cast because they gave us characters that we loved and still do, they were apart of our childhood, they gave us hope and happiness. Some kids have Spongebob and Mickey mouse growing up but we were luck enough to have Pokémon. We've met so many new people and have so many great memories because of them, we owe them, ourselves and the next generation this. Pokémon isn't just about battling and winning its about friendship, loyalty, coming together , love, passion, never giving up. So let's come together not just as fans but as friends and family and make a change.
Thank you so much for reading! And thank you for supporting us!
Your pika pal!