Ayaka Erne 0

Bring back United Airline direct flight Guam - Fukuoka

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Petition for nonstop flight between Guam - Fukuoka.

We, the undersigned, are writing to express our strong support for the continuation of the direct flight between Guam and Fukuoka at least once a week. This route has proven to be vital for both the local communities and the numerous travelers who rely on this connection for business, tourism, and family visits.

The direct flight between Guam and Fukuoka provides several significant benefits:

1. Cultural Exchange: The direct flight fosters cultural exchange and strengthens the ties between the people of Guam and Fukuoka. This route makes it easier for individuals to engage in cultural activities, educational exchanges, and family reunifications.

2. Convenience for Travelers: The direct flight significantly reduces travel time and costs for passengers since Fukuoka is not part of the main island in Japan. The alternative options often involve lengthy layovers and increased travel expenses, which can be prohibitive for many travelers.

3. Support for the Local Community: Many residents of both Guam and Fukuoka have family ties and personal connections that are maintained through this direct route. The continuation of this service is essential for keeping these important personal connections alive.

We kindly request that the airline company considers the substantial positive impact of maintaining the direct flight between Guam and Fukuoka. We believe that operating this route at least once a week will continue to provide significant benefits to all stakeholders involved.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We hope for a favorable decision and look forward to the continued success of this important flight route.


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