Bring Exam Week Back for Grade 12 Students in BC
This is a petition to support Grade 12 students that are taking provincial exams this year. If you believe that Exam Week should be brought back for Grade 12s because it is too much to have classes and exams at the same time, please support this petition. In the past, Grade 12 students were given an Exam Week, so it is only fair that this year's Grade 12s get one as well. Also, Exam Week was used as a break between semesters, so not only is Exam Week beneficial to Grade 12 students, but for teachers as well that use that time to prepare for the new semester. The more attention and support this gets, the better chance we have at making a change.
Note: This petition is directed only towards schools that in the past years had an Exam Week. This petition is not directed towards schools that never had an Exam Break in the first place.
///ATTENTION///: Now is the time to be emailing the link of this petition to principals, superintendents, and any other school officials. If we wait any longer it could be too late for anything to change. Also don't forget to keep sharing this petition with the people you know especially via social media!