Bring good governance back to the OLBA for a stronger future for lawn bowlers.
This petition is to have the OLBA board removed from office and to have a new election called as soon as possible.
The members of the board who conducted the Election on November 1st, 2014 did so outside the bylaws, failed to report numbers of the election before destroying the ballots and the number of ballots counted exceeded the number of eligible voters. Only the executive had access to these additional ballots.
Since such time, the Vice President of the association from last year has since assumed the presidency against bylaw 9c which states that the president must be elected by the board at the first meeting after the AGM.
The OLBA has now retained a lawyer to defend themselves and keep power usinG "your membership dues" against people from their own membership who are fighting to ensure the procedures and bylaws of the association are upheld.
Your decision to sign our petition sends a very positive message to the Executive of the OLBA that they do not have the right to abuse their positions.
We shall be taking our petition and full details of our case to the Ministry of tourism, culture and sport, as well as the Ontario Attorney General if the resolution to hold a new election is not met.