Bring Public Charter Schools to Kentucky

Public charter schools are independent public schools allowed freedom to be more innovative, while being held accountable for improved student achievement. They foster a partnership between parents, teachers and students to create an environment in which parents can be more involved, teachers are given the freedom to innovate and students are provided the structure they need to learn, with all three held accountable for improved student achievement.
Today, 42 states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation authorizing the creation of public charter schools. More than 2 million students are choosing to attend one of the more than 6,000 charter schools in the country. Unfortunately, Kentucky is 1 of the 8 states that does not allow public charter schools, leaving Kentucky students with little choice for a quality education.
Add your name to the growing list of students, parents, educators and education advocates that are asking Kentucky's elected officials to take action now and pass public charter school legislation!