Bring the SMGs back to Fortnite.

Bring the Submachine Gun and Surpressed Submachine Gun back.
The Submachine Gun got introduced together with the Surpressed Submachine Gun in Patch 1.6 on 12 September 2017.
People found those SMG’s awesome, it was THE meta 90’s people used in Fortnite.
And then sadly the Submachine Gun got vaulted on 12 February 2018. People weren’t really sad about it since we still had the Surpressed Submachine Gun for a long time and then we lost that too in Season 6 (27 September 2018).
As many may have noticed Epic Games introduced a new LTM called ‘ Vaulted ‘ where vaulted weapons were brought for a limited back to the game. Many people have missed these SMG’s and the amazing different meta’s you could make in SMGs instead of just the P90 and the other one.
I missed these guns really and i saw that many other streamers did too.
That’s why this petition. Are there people who agree with this?