Bring Back PointsPlus!

- Are you completely unhappy with the switch from Weight Watchers PointsPlus program to SmartPoints?
- Not seeing the same results with SmartPoints that you were seeing with PointsPlus?
- Frustrated that you are paying the same membership fee but unable to take advantage of the eTools now that it's default set to calculate SmartPoints values?
- Tired of feeling defeated, discouraged, deprived, hungry and dismissed?
- Wouldn't it be great if EVERYONE could experience weight loss success?
If you answered yes to any of these, read on to find out why you should sign this petition! Don't forget to use the FB and Twitter icons to share this on your personal social media pages as well! It takes more than a few to make an army!
Let me begin by saying that the goal of this petition isn't for Weight Watchers to scrap SmartPoints. The goal of this petition is to persuade Weight Watchers to allow its members to choose between the two programs and make both available in eTools.
I decided to start this petition in response to the overwhelming and undeniable outcry by both current and former Weight Watchers members. After reading countless comments in various forums and social media feeds from other members who feel Weight Watchers is ignoring the pleas to bring back PointsPlus, it seemed as though Weight Watchers wasn't hearing people individually.Thus the need for a collaborative effort!
Representatives are quick to credit science and research as proof that the new SmartPoints program is better than the PointsPlus program. Many argue that SmartPoints encourages making healthier food choices. However, Weight Watchers forgot one very important variable in their research process - its members! Science cannot determine what the people want. And, well, let's be honest - a person can just as easily "work the points" on SmartPoints as they could on PointsPlus. No doubt, SmartPoints works for some, but the fact of the matter is, there are just as many (if not more) who found greater success with PointsPlus. As with any weight loss program, it is what you make it.
It's time Weight Watchers start listening to its members! Whether you are currently a member or a former member, please join us in this fight to be heard! Success for all!
Thank you for your support! It is greatly appreciated! Now, help get the word out!
I challenge each signer to the following:
- Use the Facebook and/or Twitter icons on this page to share this petition on your page!
- Personally find at least 2 people to sign! There are a number of ways to do this! Email the link, tag someone, take it to your weekly meeting, etc. (Don't forget to pass on the challenge!)