Bring Back Rich Fields!
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed
just now
Adam B. signed
just now
This is a petition to express our displeasure with the recent dismissal of seven year Price is Right announcer Rich Fields, who was let go in July 2010. We, the undersigned, pledge to no longer watch TPIR on CBS and will no longer participate in purchasing goods or services from TPIR advertisers.
This petition will be delivered to CBS President, Leslie Moonves and each CEO of every TPIR advertiser until Rich Fields is returned to the show.
This petition will be delivered to CBS President, Leslie Moonves and each CEO of every TPIR advertiser until Rich Fields is returned to the show.
Please sign this petition to help sway Fremantle Media and CBS to restore "The Price is Right" to the way it should be--with Rich Fields as announcer.
Our goal right now is to collect 1,000 signatures, so please inform everyone about this very important petition!
Thanks for all your support!
Below is a link to the "I'm with Fieldsy" avatar. Please post it whereever you can to show your support for Rich.