Please bring back
Jorge Castillo Arizona 0

Please bring back "Don't trust the bitch in apt. 23"

14267 signers. Add your name now!
Jorge Castillo Arizona 0 Comments
14267 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

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When it comes to second chances, we all deserve them. Even when it comes to a lovable bitch with the morals of a pirate. I believe this show had so much more to offer and it just wasn't given the chance it deserved. From the great Netflix ratings to people all over the Internet lamenting it's cancelation, I believe the return of this show would make so many of us happy. Logo recently aired the 2 glorious seasons and it did great. People love the bitch!I almost feel like June and Chloe got kicked out of Apt. 23 and the show had to stop.So please, if you're reading this, let's get June and Chloe to move in back to Apt. 23! I mean, Can you believe how Robyn must be dealing with this? I bet you they had to move in with James and Luther is going insane. I know i can get more bitches to jump on board with me. Now, anyone wanna get weird and play Mario Kart?

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