Brizzy, we want YOU for an Omegle chat!
Henrique Oliveira São Paulo 0

Brizzy, we want YOU for an Omegle chat!

12 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Henrique Oliveira São Paulo 0 Comments
12 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

It's been quite a long time since BrizzyVoices made an Omegle chat with her fans, the lovely Brizkids. Unfortunately, for some reason she couldn't record the conversation and due to these problems she wasn't able to upload an "Omegle fan talk" sort of video on her youtube channel.
This is why we're making this petition, we want the historical Omegle talk day to be repeated, that would give a lot of other Brizkids the opportunity to have a dynamic and fun talk to the amazingly talented voice actress we all love.

We hope you agree with our laying.
Thanks, We love you! :)

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