Against the Permanent Closure of Brookes Restaurant
Kaloyan Baychev 0

Against the Permanent Closure of Brookes Restaurant

1388 signers. Add your name now!
Kaloyan Baychev 0 Comments
1388 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

The award-winning Brookes Restaurant is an integral part of the curriculum of the Oxford School of Hospitality Management. It is the venue where staff and students meet and share their passion for food, wine, and exceptional service to deliver a unique dining experience to the local community and members of Oxford Brookes alike.

Brookes Restaurant and its dedicated staff provide valuable practical experience to both first and final year International Hospitality Management students every academic year that prepares them to enter the hospitality industry with confidence and excitement. Moreover, the restaurant is a working space that helps students focus on the practical tasks and take their minds off the busy academic schedule and relieve stress.

We support Brookes Restaurant and believe the Oxford School of Hospitality Management would not be able to deliver the same world-class hospitality education should the restaurant cease its operations.

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