Brookfield Budget 2012-2013

We, the residents of Brookfield, ask that the Town and School Budgets for calendar year 2012-2013 be presented to the voters in their original form at referendum.
Please use your full name so I can verify you are a resident of Brookfield (WE CANNOT COUNT "ANONYMOUS" SIGNERS). If there is more than one person old enough to vote in your home, we need you each to sign up individually.
You do not need to be a registered voter to sign, only a resident. You do need to be registered or a property owner in Brookfield to vote on the budget.
There are hard copies of this petition being circulated; please sign only once.
Please consider writing to the BoF to express your thoughts about the budget directly. Email addresses are: jfriedrich51@gmail.com, IrvAgard@sbcglobal.net, drappleby@aol.com, jaffeent@earthlink.net, roephill@aol.com, jen.tomaino@gmail.com
Please also visit this link: https://www.facebook.com/events/253275868098941/ to learn more about the budget discussions and to confirm your attendance at the Public Hearing on 4/10/12 at 7:30 in the BHS Auditorium.
We are not collecting donations of any kind, only signatures. If you have any problems signing the petition, please email me at jakepirate@earthlink.net. Thank you for your support.